Wednesday, April 7, 2010


I have a (potentially snobby) luncheon to attend on Saturday and a bit of a time crunching dilemna. The time dilemna is that I have none. Time that is. The remainder of the dilemna involves my nails and my new glasses.

Some time ago I finally got around to getting a new prescription for glasses. I usually wear contacts, but I do see much better with glasses (some countries may consider me legally blind without corrective lenses but thankfully this country allows me to drive un aided.) I will occasionally wear them (the glasses) in public or to work, particulary if I have something specific that I need to see. Anyway, sometime after finally getting a new prescription, I got around to ordering new glasses with that new prescription. This timed out well, since I had just broken the arm on my existing frames. (no, not the little pin thing - the arm actually broke and is now being held together with some scotch tape) So, this pretty much means that I am only wearing my glasses in the house so as to avoid people seeing me in my glasses and assuming I'm a homeless person who cannot aford a pair of glasses and aquired these via some recycle-your-eyewear campaign. (No self respecting snob would speak to me if she saw me in these scotch taped glasses)

Anyway, I picked up my new glasses the other day. I was wearing my contacts so could not try the glasses on at the store and confirm their acceptability. When I got home (and removed my lenses) I excitedly tried on my new and unbroken glasses only to find they were the wrong size. They would be fine, really, if my left eye were situated about an inch away from were it is currently situated. But this is not about a search for a plastic surgeon or a qualm with the genetics I was handed. This is a quandery over whether to march down (drive fast) to the eye glass store, loudly berate inform the eye tech that he fit me with glasses better suited to Giant-Head-Abe (Lincoln), or whether to get my nails done.

You see, at almost precisely the same time that I picked up my useless new pair of eye glasses, I also broke an acrylic nail. (totally unrelated) Did I mention that I have a (potentially snobby) luncheon to attend this Saturday and also must squeeze a trip to Talbots into the remaining available hours this week? Obviously, neither of these two tasks (3 if you include shopping at Talbots) can be delegated to another. (Me: Secretary - go and get your nails done for me! versus Me: Secretary - go and have these glasses sized to fit your face for me while loudly hurling insults at the incompetant eye tech!)

So, what would a snobby woman do? Would she use her limited time to get her glasses fixed so that she could see clearly when in public (and at work), or would she make sure that her dominant right hand was perfectly manicured? (That is the hand I use to hold a fork and a wine glass. Did I mention the potentially snobby luncheon on Saturday in which forks and wine glasses will be used?)

This would never happen to El Woods.


  1. Go to, order what you need and a few things you don't, order various sizes and colors and have it express shipped. You'll have it by Friday. Then return what you didn't want/need/like when you have more time. Call ahead to eye glass store and tell them your dilemna. Maybe they will stay open late or let you drop the glasses off and pick them up on Saturday on your way to the luncheon.
    Then go get your nails done!!!

  2. Wow, anonymous, you are SMART!!!! (and I love the suggestion to order things I don't even need)
